Common genealogical sources

MATRIKY (Vital registers of births, marriages, deaths)

POZEMKOVE KNIHY (Land registers) - information on the sequence of farmstead owners, owners´s siblings and parents, maiden names of married women, amount of debt, claims, shares of inheritance, size of farm and its equipment, relationships among relatives, the price of real properties, the amount of taxes and fees, sevices and duties

KNIHY SMLUV (Registers of contracts) - agreements among people (who, when and why was a cotract done)

SIROTCI KNIHY (Orphan registers) - records on owned money, when they were paid to orphans after deceased possessor of a house

KNIHY SVATEBNICH SMLUV (Registers of marriage articles) - agreements between marriage couples

KATASTRY (Cadastres) - information on land property and yields (contained in three cadastres: Tereziansky katastr, Josefinsky katastr, Stabilni katastr)

ROBOTNI SEZNAMY (Lists of manorial labour duties)

KNIHY KVITANCI (Registers of debts) - registers correspond with the land registers. It means that contracts recorded in land registers were to be paid by a new house-possessor. His liabilities were recorded in land registers or in registers of debts. Also, people who borrowed money, their liabilities were recorded in registers of debts. Sometimes the betrothed pair concluded a contract before their marriage. Their liquidated liabilities were registered as well. In the registers of debts we usually can found: debtor´s name, owner of amount due, how much it was paid, rest of debts, date of payment, amount paid for making a record

SCITACI OPERATY (Censuses of inhabitants)

URBAR - Lists of serfs who had agricultural (or other) duties to their nobility. The oldest preserved "Urbar" was kept by the Prague archbishop (from about 1290). Taxes given to nobility were recorded with names of serfs, amount and date of transfering money to clerks (usually in spring and autumn)

KRONIKY (Chronicles) -
Family chronicles - done for the purpose of family history (usually still possessed by privat possessors)
School chronicles - history of schools, mentions on teachers, inportant events, sometimes with a list of students or a list of things that pertained to the school.
Church chronicles - information on historical events in a local area and events that concerned a parish office / church
Village / town chronicles - provide datas on events that happened in the near area. People who were then well known (mayor, councillors, visitors) used to be registered as well as events like fires, floods, murders and so on.

ADRESAR (Address book)

SCHOOL FILES - for our purpose the most useful are school cronicles, lists of students or school certificates. School certificates usually provide us results that students achieved during their studies. Lists of students are used for a basic orientation for checking if our searched person visited a school we supposed to.

Pametni knihy - information on historical events in a local area and events that concerned a parish office / church
Seznamy dusi (Lists of souls) - lists of names / people who visited a church
Knihy nabozenskych vyznani - registers of people, separated based on their religion (Catholic, Evangelical)
Knihy zmen vyznani - registers of people, who changed their religion
Knihy birmovanych - registers of people who were confirmed in a Catholic church
Ohlasky snoubencu - recorded banns of betrothed pairs, with data recorded later in registers of marriages
Matricni zalezitosti - different certificates (of birth, marriage and so on) of people who were not born in an area of the parish office
Knihy desatku - register of taxes paid to a church, sometimes with names of people who paid taxes (and how much)




CECHY (Trades) - if your ancestors kept a trade (e.g. they were shoemakers, butchers, bakers and so on), a lot of interesting resources can be found on them, even sometimes from the 14th century:
Cechovni artykule - instructions that tradesmen were obliged to follow (every trade had its own "artykule")
Registra prijmu a vydani - incomes and costs (concerning a trade chest, as property of the gild), often with names of tradesmen
Pametni knihy - it has a frame of chronicles, but often tests of new masters / journeymen were recorded there (date, name, subject of a record, paid fee to a common trade chest)
Tovaryska registra - lists of journeymen
Aktovy material - file of different documents (there can be found "anything and nothing", e.g. contracts of purchase, contentions, testaments - everything concerns trades)
Protokoly o jednani cechu - important things (that concerned somehow trades) were discussed and later registered
Vyucni a mistrovske listy - certificates of trade practise (for journeymen and masters)