Try to search in three military records that concern genealogy: Kmenove listy, Legionarske seznamy, Seznamy brancu. Kmenove listy and Legionarske seznamy are stored in the Military archives of Praha or the Military archives in Vienna, Seznamy brancu we can find in district archives.

Kmenove listy - detailed description of a person who served in army (mainly after 1850), recorded by army.
Legionarske seznamy - personal data of soldiers who served abroad in the WW1. It contain name, birthplace, date of birth, military grades, battle-fields, documents collected on soldiers (like certificates of birth / death).
Seznamy brancu (lists of recruits) - name, date of birth, birthplace, date of enlisting in army, sometimes later residence. Kept from the first half of the 19th century up to the first half of the 20th century.

Example of "Kmenovy list":
Note: In Amerika (= in America)
Unter-Abtheilungs-Grundbuchsblatt (sheet of the main register of subaltern department)
Haupt-Grundbuchs-Heft: 1886 (the book of the main register for the year 1886)
Blatt: 358 (sheet # 358)
Vor und Zuname: (first and last name) Karel Jouza
Geburtsort: Jablunka (place of birth Jablunka)
Bezirk: Wsetin (the political district Vsetin)
Komitat: W. Meseritsch (county Valasske Mezirici)
Länd: Mähren (land Moravia)
Heimatszuständig nach Gebürtsort (domicile in the place of birth)
Geburts-Jahr: 1866 (the year of birth 1866)
Religion: kathol. (catholic religion)
Kunst, Gewerbe, sonstiger Lebensberuf: Knecht (occupation cattleman)
Assentirt durch das Heeres-Ergänzungsbezirks-Commando (Truppe oder Anstalt): 18 (Enlisted by the District Military Commissariat /brigade or an institution/ # 18)
Mit der laufenden Zahl: 834 (with the ordinal number 834)
Assentirt: 21.6.1886 durch regelmässige Stellung nach der Loosreihe auf 3 Jahre Linie, 7 Jahre in der Kaserne und 2 Jahre in der Landwehr, zum dragoner Regiment N.15 (Enlisted on March 12, 1886 by regular recruitment for 3 years of military services, 7 years in barracks and 2 years in home-defence, to cavalry-regiment # 15)
Eingereiht: 10.12.1886 (enregimented on December 10, 1886)
Persons-Beschreibung (personal description)
Haare: braun (brown hair)
Augen: braun (brown eyes)
Augenbrauen: braun (brown eyebrow)
Nase: gewöhnlich (usual nose)
Mund: gewöhnlich (usual mouth)
Kinn: oval (oval chin)
Angesicht: rund (round face)
Besondere Merkmale: mässige Erhöhung der linker Schulter (special characters: a little risen left shoulder) Geimpft: ja (vaccinated: yes)
Spricht, schreibt: deutsch (speaking, writting in German)
Körpermass in Metern: 1.720 (height in metres: 1.720)
Fussmass in Metern: 12 (height of the foot in metres: 12)
Göding am 20. Dezember 1886 (Hodonin on Dec. 20, 1886)
K.K. Dragoner-Regiment Graf Heider N°15; 18. Escadron (imperial-royal cavalry-regiment # 15 of Earl Heider, 18th squadron)

Example of a list of recruits born in Kaznejov 1862-1900, the register # 32:
(name of the recruit, year of birth, occupation, address where a recruit dwelled later)
Jan Hala, 1872, domestic farm hand, Sokolov
Josef Hala, 1889, shoemaker, Kaznejov
Jiri Hala, 1890, shoemaker, Kaznejov, address is from the year 1921
Pavel Hala, 1893, worker, Sokolov, address is from the year 1923