Kniha vydanych domovskych listu (Register of issued certificates of domiciles) - name, domicile, sometimes year of birth and birthplace
Prihlasky a odhlasky k pobytu - recorded people who wanted to dwell in a town (or they abolished that).
Kroniky (see Chronicles)
Seznamy brancu (lists of soldiers / recruits) - sometimes it was meant as a list soldiers who dwelled a few days in a locality (e.g. on vacation)
Matrika cizich prislusniku - register of people who dwelled in a locality, but came from different places
Matrika obyvatel - register of all people who dwelled in a locality (usually in specified years)

Example of "Matrika obyvatel":
the register # 12
, locality Sedlec 1857:
Page: # 121
House: # 22
Dusanek Frantisek, a shoemaker, b. 15/2/1791
Dusanek Anna, his wife, b. 25/7/1785
Dusanek Antonin, a son, b. 29/6/1838
Dusanek Emanuel, a son, b. 10/8/1841, America
Dusanek Barbora, a daughter, b. 25/7/1832
Notes: a) The son Emanuel (b. 1841) married a woman called Theresie (b. 1841) and they asked for leaving for America in September, 1869.